4. climate of India class 10 social

 4. Climate of India


1. Climograph : A graph that depicts the annual cycle of temperature and rainfall for a geographical location .

2. Weather :  The state of atmospheric conditions over an area at a particular time is called weather.

3. Monsoon : A seasonal wind blows in the India sub-continent bringing rain when blowing from south-west.

4. Insolation : The solar radiation received on the surface of the is called "Insolation".

5. Jetstreams : Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere.

6. pressure zone : Winds are moving all over the world. When the temperature is high the atmosphere, the air rises creating low pressure at the earth's surface and flows to other region. This region is called pressure belt or pressure zone.

Improve your Learning

1. Read the following statements and find out whether they are an example of weather or climate

a. During the last years many glaciers melted in Himalayas

b. During the last few decade drought in vidarbh region has increased


a. Weather ( last few years means short period of time)

b. Climate ( last few decades means very long period

2. Describe India's climate controls

A : The the factor that affect the climate of region is called climate control

This factors are as follows

1. Latitude :  that temperature decreases has been move away from the equator India lies closer  to equator especially the southern part of India is this region has a high average temperature

2. Land water relationship :  The coastal region have moderate temperature due to land and sea breeze 

3. Relief : as we move higher the temperature decreases air coolers the atmosphere and causes rain from clouds

3. Write a short note on factor influencing climatic variation in hilly areas and deserts

A : factors influencing climate variation in hilly areas and deserts are as follows

1. Have we go higher temperature decreases show the temperature in hilarious is comparatively lower than the plane region

2. In deserts during the daytime the sand hits of quickly and warm that upper air in his daytime the temper is higher comparative at night

4. How are human activities contributing to global warming

A : due to the increasing industrialization the warming and cooling of the atmosphere have been very frequent and affected the climate adversely. This warming has increased the level of water and the glaciers at the poles are also melting

Human activities contributing to global warming

1. Burning Fossil fuels like coal to generate power 

2.usage of Refrigerator air conditions which release chlorofloro carbons

3. Emission of greenhouse gases by vehicles

4. Deforestation of forests

5. Development of urbanisation process

5. What are the disagreement between 'developed' and 'developing' countries about AGW ?

A : These these are several is agreement between developed and developing country regarding anthropology global warming is (AGW) the major one is the developed country won developing countries to cut greenhouse emission on the other hand the  developing countries  argue that developed countries have reached this stage precisely by burning Fossil fuels and they are now restricting us from doing so.

6. How is climate change causing global warming suggest measures to minimise the influence of global warming

A : Due to the increase in industrialization the warming and cooling of the atmosphere have been very frequent and has attached the climate adversely. This warming has increased the level of water and the glaciers at the poles are also melting Measures

1. Promoting afforestation

2. Regulating industrialization

3. Controlling over use of mining

4. Prohibiting the use of carry bag 

7.observe the following climograph and answer the following questions

A. Which month received the Highest rainfall ?

B. Which months experience the highest and the lowest temperature

C. Why does the maximum amount of rainfall happen between June and October?

D. Why is the temperature high between March and may ?

E. Identify relief condition causing variations in temperature and relief rainfall 

A : August received the maximum amount of rainfall

B.May experienced the highest temperature and the December the lowest temperature

C. Maximum amount of rainfall happened between June and October because of the Southwest monsoon

D. The temperature is high between March and may as sunrise received during the period are vertical

E. The relief condition that causes variation in temperature and rainfall are plateaus, mountains etc.

8. Read the 4th para of page 54i.e "Earlier cycles of......... because of human activities and comment on it

A : In the earlier cycles of cooling and warming happened over very long periods of time this allowed most of the people on earth the time to adapt to the changes now a days the heating is much more rapid and could lead great changes in climate. This is due to human activities called Androperogenic global warming