physics science important questions

Physics known hard subject for ssc board of class 10 for some students by reading these lessons and important concept you can score good marks in this subject 

1.Reflection of Light at Curved Surfaces
  1.  Ray diagram of virtual image formed by concave mirror
  2. Ray diagram of concave and convex mirror
  3. Differences between
  4.  Real and Virtual image
  5.  Concave and convex mirror
  6. Problems on "Mirror Formula"
  7. Uses of concave and convex mirror in daily life
  8. Why we prefer a convex as a rear view mirror in the vehicles?
Lab Activity 
Find the nature and position of images, when an object is placed at different places on the principal axis of a concave mirror.

2.Chemical equations
  1. balancing the chemical equation
  2. Examples problems
  3. Why the white washing gives shiny finish to the walls?
  4. Acids,Bases and Salts
Lab Activity:
    Acid react with Metal
     Removing water of Crystallization
  1. Distilled water does not conduct electricity. Why?
  2. Why the flow of acid rain into a river make the survival of aquatic life in a river difficult?
  3. How does baking powder make the cake soft and spongy ?
  4. Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture-proof container. Explain why.
  5. What is neutralization reaction? Give two examples.
  6. Uses of bleaching powder
  7. Uses of baking powder
  8. Uses of washing soda

4.Refraction of Light at Curved Surfaces
  1. Ray diagram of convex and concave mirror
  2. Problems on lens formula and lens maker formula
  3. Uses of lens in daily life
  4. Diagram of different lens

5.Human Eye and Colourful World
  1. Explain the Myopia using the diagram.
  2. Explain the Hypermetropia with the help of diagrams.
  3. Why does the sky sometimes appear white?
  4. Explain the formation of rainbow.
  5. A person is viewing an extended object. If a converging lens is placed in front of his eye, will he feel that the size of object has increased? Why?
  6. Why sun appear red in colour during sunrise and at sunset?
  7. Explain briefly the reason for the blue colour of the sky.
  8.  The near point of a hypermetropic eye is 50 cm. Calculate the focal length and power of the lens to correct the defect.
  9. Mention the role of the ciliary muscles in human eye.

6.Structure of Atom
  1. Draw the shapes of 's' and 'p' orbitals.
  2. Write postulates and limitations of Bohr Hydrogen atomic model.
  3. Explain Hund's rule with an example.
  4. Classification of Elements The Periodic Table
  5. What are the limitations of Dobereiner's law of triads ?
  6. What are the limitations for Newlands' law of octaves?
  7. Predict the impacts that would arise if the elements are not classified
  8. Which of the sodium (Na) atom or sodium ion (Na+) has more atomic radius? Why
  9. Mention the factors that influence ionization energy. Explain.

8.Chemical Bonding
  1. Explain the formation of the following molecules using valence bond theory.a) N₂ molecule
  2. b) O₂ molecule
  3. Explain, why bonding angle (HOH) in water is 104° 31' instead of 109° 28'?
  4. Draw the structure of the methane molecule. Write its bond angle.
  5. Explain the formation of ionic compounds NaCl, MgCl,, Na,O and AICI
  6. Explain the formation BF³
  7. molecule with the help of Valence Bond theory?

9.Electric Current
  1. Explain overloading of household circuit.
  2. What is the use of fuses?
  3. How can you verify that the resistance of a conductor is temperature dependent ?
  4. Why should we connect electric appliances in parallel in a household circuit? What happens if they are connected in series?
  5. Are the headlights of a car connected in series or parallel? Why?
  6. Why do we consider tungsten as a suitable material for making the the filament of a bulb
  7. Mention the required materials in the experiment to verify Ohm's law 
  8. Why doesn't a bird get a shock when it stands on a high voltage wire?
  9. Problems on parallel and series connection examples of textbook 
  10. Three resistors 10 n. 20 n. 30 n, are connected in (a) Series (b) Parallel. Find the resultant resistance in the circuit.
  11. Write the difference between electromotive force and potential difference
  12. Explain kirchoffs laws
  1. Mention the required materials in the experiment to verify Ohm's law and write the experimental procedure.
  2. How do you verify that resistance of a conductor of uniform cross-section areas proportional to the length of the conductor at constant temperature.

  1. Write any four applications of Faraday's law of induction in daily life.
  2. State Right hand rule with a labelled diagram.
  3. Explain the working process of induction stove.
  4. Explain the working of AC electric generator with a neat diagram 
  5. Explain the working of DC generator with a neat diagram 
  6. Explain the working of electric motor with a neat diagram 

11.Principles of Metallurgy
  1. Draw the diagram showing i) Froth floatation ii) Magnetic separation.
  2. What is the difference between roasting and calcination? Give one example each.
  3. Draw a neat diagram of reverberatory furnace and label it neatly.
  4. Explain Thermite process and mention its applications in our daily life.
 1. Suggest an experiment to prove that the presence of air and water are essential for corrosion. Explain the procedure.

12. Carbon and its Compounds
  1. Explain the cleansing action of soap.
  2. Write the differences between esterification and saponification reactions of organic compounds.
  3. Write the uses of Allotropy in day to day life?
  4. Why does carbon form compounds mainly by covalent bonding?
  5. Write the uses of Nanotubes?
  6. How do you appreciate the role of esters in daily life?
  7. Why do some times cooking vessels get black and on a kerosene stove?

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